Georgia Caney
First, make sure you have Lightroom downloaded (it’s free) on your phone.
Step 1: Download the files on your desktop. Once you’ve downloaded the ZIP file, you will need to access on desktop and double-click to unzip it. That should create a folder of the same name with the DNG image files inside. Each DNG file is a preset that you now need to move to your phone and import into Lightroom.

Step 2: Transfer the DNG files to your phone. The easiest way to do this is by using Dropbox but you can use any other file transferring method as well. To use Dropbox, simply drag your DNG files into your Dropbox folder and wait for the files to sync.
Once all your files are synced, go into your Dropbox folder on your mobile app and export each DNG file into your phone. See detailed steps below
Step 3: Import the files into the Lightroom app. At this point you should have all of your DNG files saved to your phone. If you go into your photo stream and see them as blank picture files, don’t be alarmed – that’s how they should look.
Open the Lightroom app and create a new album. In this case we’ll name it Favourites Presets. Then open the new album, go to Add Photos and select all the DNG files from your camera roll and add them to the album. See detailed steps below:

Step 4: Create and save your Presets. Go into the album containing your newly imported DNG files. Open the first file, tap on the 3 dots icon at the top right of the screen and then tap on Create Preset.
Next you will see the New Preset screen (shown below) which contains all the options you can use to customise your preset. You can give your preset a name (highly recommended) and the option to choose a Preset Group to save it in. You can save it in User Presets or you can create a new preset group and name it however you like. I recommend this if you have a lot of presets and want to keep them organized. The checkboxes below determine which picture settings you’d like to save with this preset. Only the settings you choose here will be applied to the pictures you edit with this preset in the future.

Step 5: Using the presets. To use your new presets just go back into your library and open any photo you’d like to edit.
Find the Presets icon in the menu at the bottom of the screen and tap on it.
Now you can edit the photo by tapping on a preset from the list and then tapping on the checkmark. You can still continue to edit the photo and make adjustments if you like, after you’ve applied the preset.

For best results: Each preset will look different on every photo depending on lighting, colours, etc. You will likely need to tweak the presets a bit when using such as the exposure & contrast under the 'light' tab. For editing your skin tone, you can select colour>mix> and use the orange colour tab to play around with the saturation and lightness.